Innovation Think Tank
ImNO is pleased to join Siemens, Western and Robarts in hosting an Innovation Think Tank (ITT) Certification Program.
The program is led by Prof. Sultan Haider, Founder and Global Head of ITT, and his team. ITT is a global infrastructure of co-creation labs and programs established at Siemens Healthineers, Ministries, universities and hospital sites. The program trains participants about the innovation management methodologies derived out of Prof. Haider’s vast experience of establishing and running ITT Labs worldwide and driving numerous interdisciplinary projects between locations. The participants learn co-implementation approaches by working on real-life healthcare challenges.
Application required. Students (undergraduate and graduate) as well as researchers from all disciplines especially Engineering, Medicine and those attending ImNO2023 are welcome to apply!
Click here to apply. The program is free to all participants.
Important Dates
Application deadline: Feb 22, 2023
Notification of acceptance: Feb 27, 2023
Event dates
March 11 and 12, 8 am to noon: innovation training (in person at Western University, London, Ontario or attend virtually)
March 18, 8 am to noon: innovation training/receive feedback (in person at Western University, London, Ontario or attend virtually)
March 22: review results and presentations (in person in London, Ontario preferred or attend virtually)
March 24: top teams present at ImNO (in person)
Please click here for details and see impressions video on ITT at
All participants will receive an e-certificate of participation
The top 3 teams will receive monetary awards